
Restored icon of Saint Nicholas from the collection of the Diocese of Pakrac and Slavonia of the Serbian Orthodox Church

During 2024, the Institute continued the implementation of the project of Conservation and Restoration of the Collection of Icons and Iconostasis of the Diocese of Pakrac and Slavonia of the Serbian Orthodox Church, within which the icon of Saint Nicholas, a work of exceptional importance, by the famous painter Arsenij Teodorović, was restored. The icon originates from 1800 from the iconostasis of the demolished church of St. Elijah in Pakrac. As part of the conservation and restoration treatment, the existing condition was photographed, special UVF and IRR recordings were made, the unstable paint layer was fixed, parquet flooring and cracks on the wooden support were repaired, dirt, soot, and darkened varnish were removed from the painted layer, old retouches and traces of previous interventions were removed, the painted layer was puttyed, the painted layer was retouched, the final varnishing was applied, the painted layer was protected, and the final state of the icon was photographed.
Photography: Vladimir Petrovic, Marija Erdelji