
Protection measures for facilities in Apatin

During the revision of data from the Study of the Protection of Cultural Property "Center of Apatin", conservators of the Provincial Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments conducted a field tour of the street sections covered by the Study. The spatial cultural and historical entity "Center of Apatin" was determined as an immovable cultural property in 1994. years. In order to conduct a comprehensive audit of the condition and changes that have occurred in the period from the adoption of the Protection Decision to the present day, it is necessary to conduct a review of the entire monument fund. Also, with additional research into the history of the space and architecture of the center of Apatin, the boundaries of protection and the protected environment of this significant cultural asset will be defined, and technical protection measures will be determined for each individual object. The photographs taken during this work are a very important segment of the process itself.
Photography: Maria Erdelji