
Conservators of the Provincial Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments

Conservators of the Provincial Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, Petrovaradin have been cooperating with the "Sava Šumanović" Picture Gallery in Šid since its founding in 1952. years.

End of August 2023. The Institute's experts worked on the conservation and restoration of six of Šumanović's paintings from different periods of his work, all six painted in oil on canvas. The complete restoration included all procedures, starting from the repair of the supports (canvas), to the reconstruction of the painted layer where it was necessary. The biggest challenge the conservators faced was the craquelured (cracked) paint layer, with a tendency for individual parts to peel off, which needed to be consolidated. This peeling is a typical problem that occurs in Sava Šumanović's paintings, due to the author's preference for applying pasty spreads and his penchant for experimenting with technology and materials.