
Conservation and restoration works on the Bogdan Dunđerski Chapel in the Fantast Castle complex


The Bogdan Dunđerski Chapel is located within the Fantast Castle complex. In 1920, Bogdan received permission from the administrator of the Karlovac Metropolis, Dr. Georgije Letić, to build an Orthodox chapel in the neo-Byzantine style next to the castle. He hired Josip Kraus as the builder, and entrusted the creation of icons to his friend Uroš Predić, who painted 12 icons for the iconostasis. The greatness of the friendship between Bogdan Dunđerski and Uroš Predić is also evidenced by the famous painter's wish to be buried next to Bogdan. The sculptor Đorđe Jovanović was entrusted with the creation of two baljerefs with portraits of his friends. The baljerefs were placed on the walls of the chapel, one opposite the other. However, Uroš Predić did not remain faithful to his promise and was buried in his native Orlovat.

Conservators of the Provincial Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, Petrovaradin have completed the project of conservation and restoration works on the investment maintenance of the chapel, the bell tower and the path leading to them. The plinth around the entire building was made of artificial stone, so moisture was trapped in the walls and visible on parts of the facade. The plaster plastic was covered with tiny, mesh-like cracks. The paint layer, window frames, and artificial stone bench were completely covered in dirt and biodegradation. In some places on the attic cornice, the plaster layer has fallen off. The sidewalk leading to the chapel and bell tower was completely cracked, and the concrete lining was visible. The devastated path was removed and a new one was built, completely according to the original. The plaster from the plinth was completely removed, and the plastering was done with a special repair plaster, which was then processed to achieve the appearance of the previous plaster. All facade surfaces and artificial stone surfaces were cleaned of paint and dirt deposits. Restoration was carried out on the damaged smooth plaster areas. The plaster decoration of the columns was very devastated, parts were chipped and threatened to fall off, so new columns were made, in every way according to the original. Restoration work was carried out on the mosaics, the causes of further degradation were eliminated, putty damage was repaired, retouching and final varnishing were done, the work was carried out by a painter-conservator.


The conservation and restoration works on the investment maintenance of the Bogdan Dunđerski Chapel within the "Fantast" complex, which we recently wrote about, also include the bell tower, which forms a mini whole with it. The bell tower is not attached to the chapel, but is physically separate. This method of construction, along with elements such as the dome, bifora, and blind arcades, is reminiscent of medieval architecture. The facades, however, are decorated with shallow, stylized geometric decoration, typical of the Art Nouveau era. Located on the line of the complex's brick fence, the bell tower takes on the role of a gate - the entrance to the chapel's spatial environment. The facade surfaces were cleaned of paint, dirt, stains, patina, dust, and salt, and given that the facade was completely covered with small, mesh-like cracks, repairs were also carried out with a repair, waterproof plaster, as well as painting with a water-repellent, vapor-permeable paint.